
#klinik english edition

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Legal Basis of Polygamy in Indonesia and Its Procedures

What is polygamy? Polygamy is a marriage system that allows a person to have more than one wife or h...


How to Legalize Mixed Marriage in Islam

There are at least two ways to legalize a mixed marriage conducted in Islam. First, by applying to t...


Introduction to Renvoi in Private International Law

Renvoi, also known as the doctrine of re-designation, can be used to avoid the application of the le...


The Law if a Land with Right-to-Use Owned by Foreigners is Pledged as Collateral

Based on the Basic Agrarian Principle Law, Government Regulation 18/2021, and Minister of ATR/BPN Re...


Human Rights: Definition, History, and Principles

Human rights are rights that are inherent in humans as creatures of God, inherent in humans since hu...


3 Principal Obligations of States in International Human Rights Law

In international human rights law, the state is placed as the main duty bearer, which has three main...


The Crime of Genocide in the Context of International Law

Genocide is a crime that denies the existence of a group of people for racial, ethnic, religious, or...


What is KITAS/KITAP and How to Apply for It

KITAS/ITAS is a Limited Stay Permit Card. Meanwhile, what is meant by KITAP/ITAP is a Permanent Stay...