Legal Expertise with Business Insight, Begini Kurikulum Hukum Prasetiya Mulya

Legal Expertise with Business Insight, Begini Kurikulum Hukum Prasetiya Mulya

Tidak hanya mengajarkan teori bisnis, tapi juga praktik bisnis. Prospek lulusannya adalah praktisi hukum andal yang menunjang ekosistem bisnis.

Normand Edwin Elnizar
Bacaan 3 Menit

Berikut ini adalah daftar mata kuliah wajib Prodi Hukum Bisnis Internasional Universitas Prasetiya Mulya setiap semester.

Semester 1

1. Business Studies for Lawyers

2. Introduction to Laws

3. Introduction to Indonesian Laws

4. General Theories of The States

5. Religious Studies

6. Personal Development

7. Reading and Writing

8. Legal English I

Semester 2

9. International Law

10. Constitutional Law

11. Criminal Law

12. Civil Law

13. Land Law

14. Islamic and Economic Syari’ah Law

15. Accounting and Finance for Lawyer

16. Community Development Project I

Semester 3

17. Air and Space Law

18. Maritime Law

19. Contract Law

20. Company Law

21. Conflict of Law

22. Civil Procedure Law, Laboratory and Moot Court

23. Legal English II

Semester 4

24. Criminal Procedure Law, Laboratory and Moot Court

25. Administrative Law

26. Foundations of Comparative Law

27. Capital Market Law

28. Cyber and Security Law

29. Competition and Consumer Protection Law

30. International Organization Law and NGO

Semester 5

31. Corporate, Merger, and Acquisition Law

32. Civic Education

33. Legal Aspects of Sustainable Environment

34. Philosophy of Law

35. Investment Law

36. Labor Law

Semester 6

37. Arbitration and ADR Law and Laboratory

38. Civilization of Pluralism

39. Intelectual and Property Law

40. International Energy Law

41. Community Development Project I

Semester 7

42. Lawyerpreneurship

43. Legal Methodology Research

44. Ethics for Legal Profession

45. Transnational Corporation and Human Rights

46. International Trade Law

47. Workshop

Semester 8

47. Thesis or Lawyerpreneurship or Case Project


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